AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Sterling’

Don’t Neglect Your Air Conditioner! Get AC Maintenance

Monday, July 1st, 2024

The summer is in full swing. Have you had professional AC maintenance done yet? If not, do you still need to do it? Many people wonder if they’ve missed the window for maintenance, if it can only be done in the spring, or if they should put it off until next year.

No! Neglecting your air conditioner can have serious consequences. If you haven’t had AC maintenance yet this year, schedule it now. Here’s why.

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Should I Repair or Replace My Old Air Conditioner?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

In our area, it’s pretty much summer already. You’re going to need to keep cool. Is your air conditioner up for the job? Old air conditioners are more likely to break down and require repair. And when they do, is it worth it to repair them? Or is a new AC unit a better choice?

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How Often Will I Need to Schedule Sewer Cleaning?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

Your sewer line is the central location where all the drain water and waste leaves your home. It carries it away to the municipal sewage pipe, which brings all the waste from your neighborhood to the sewage treatment facility. 

Clearly, the sewer line does a very critical and not particularly pleasant job for your home. You don’t want anything to go wrong in that process, or you’d have a big smelly mess on your hands! Sewer line cleaning is a plumbing service that can ensure waste drains easily and your sewer line stays in good condition. But how often should you have it done?

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What to Do If You Suddenly Lose Water to Your House

Monday, February 26th, 2024

If we tell you to picture a plumbing emergency, chances are you’re imagining a geyser of water spraying from a broken pipe. But the exact opposite type of problem can also be an emergency: a lack of water.

What should you do if you turn on a faucet and little to no water comes out? We’ve got the answers for you.

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How Your Ducts Can Be Stealing Money From You This Winter

Monday, December 4th, 2023

Heating your home is expensive enough at the best of times. In fact, it’s one of the biggest expenses that American families have to shoulder. The last thing you need is wasted energy costing you extra money! If your home has ductwork, there’s a good chance it’s leaking your precious heated air and costing you a bundle. Here’s how that happens and what to do.

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Why Does My Furnace Seem to Run All the Time?

Monday, November 6th, 2023

You might have experienced furnace problems in the past that involved the furnace not coming on. That’s a big problem, because you simply won’t get any heat! But there’s another symptom of furnace problems that’s pretty much the opposite: the furnace not turning off. What could be making your furnace run all the time? What should you do about it? We’ve got you covered.

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How to Tell It’s Time for Sewer Line Cleaning

Monday, October 23rd, 2023

Your sewer line has a big, unpleasant job to do! It carries all the wastewater from all your drains away from your home and connects with your municipal wastewater system. If something goes wrong with your sewer line, it can result in some extremely disgusting outcomes. The key is to catch problems early, before something terrible happens—like sewage backing up into your bathtub!

How can you tell there’s a sewer line problem in time to get it professionally cleaned out without a disaster? Here are the key things to look for.

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The Best Way to Avoid Heating Repair: Schedule Fall Maintenance!

Monday, September 25th, 2023

You might be tempted to pretend the weather’s not getting chillier. It can be a little gloomy, accepting that summer’s over and buttoning your house up for the winter. But school is in session, the Halloween decorations have been in stores for weeks, and it’s time to make sure you’ll be all set when it comes time to turn on the heat.

How can you make sure your heating system will be ready for the winter? By scheduling an appointment for annual heating maintenance.

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Ways Your Ducts Can Sustain Damage

Monday, August 28th, 2023

HVAC systems that use a network of ducts to conduct heated and conditioned air are extremely common and have been for half a century. It’s a great way to get air that’s the exact temperature you want all throughout your home. But every good thing comes with some risks or downsides. According to the US Department of Energy, “ducts that leak heated air into unheated spaces can add hundreds of dollars a year to your heating and cooling bills.” Even if you had that kind of money, you could surely think of better ways to spend it. 

What can be done to repair HVAC duct leaks? How did your ducts sustain damage to begin with? If you understand the causes, you might be able to prevent duct leaks from happening in the future.

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Ways an Air Purifier Can Benefit Your Home

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

Air quality outdoors has been a concern on many of our minds lately, as smoke from the Canadian wildfires drifts all the way south to us.

But how much do you know about indoor air quality? Indoor air is often more contaminated than outdoor air, but we don’t get air quality warnings about that with our weather forecasts.

We’d like to tell you a little bit about indoor air quality: how it’s contaminated, how air purifiers improve it, and how cleaner air can improve your life.

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