AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

Got Kids? Here’s How to Avoid Plumbing Emergencies!

Monday, May 6th, 2024

If your home has children in it, you know better than anyone the sort of catastrophes they’re able to create. Whether it’s broken toys, injuries, or a virus that comes home from preschool and cascades through the whole family, kids bring a great deal of chaos to a home. And they can wreak havoc on your home’s plumbing as well.

There are two ways to approach plumbing disaster preparation. First, take steps to minimize the risk that your kids will cause a plumbing emergency. Second, have a plan for what to do if an emergency does happen.

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What to Do If You Suddenly Lose Water to Your House

Monday, February 26th, 2024

If we tell you to picture a plumbing emergency, chances are you’re imagining a geyser of water spraying from a broken pipe. But the exact opposite type of problem can also be an emergency: a lack of water.

What should you do if you turn on a faucet and little to no water comes out? We’ve got the answers for you.

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What to Do When Your Toilet Overflows

Monday, January 15th, 2024

It is so easy to panic when you’re faced with a plumbing emergency. And an overflowing toilet is about as panic-inducing as a plumbing emergency gets! Not only do you have no idea what to do, you’re also vividly aware that germ-infested water is spreading pathogens across your bathroom, and the problem is getting bigger by the second!

Panic can easily make a problem bigger, or make it take longer to come up with a solution. So it’s the last thing you want to do in a challenging situation. How can you avoid panicking when your toilet overflows? By knowing ahead of time what you’ll need to do. Let us arm you with some knowledge.

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Top Signs You’ve Got a Hidden Plumbing Leak

Monday, November 20th, 2023

If water is spraying out from under your sink, there’s no doubt: you’ve got a plumbing leak. But with so much of your plumbing system out of sight, and with many plumbing leaks starting with a trickle and not a dramatic spray, a problem can be tricky to spot. 

How can you tell there’s a plumbing leak happening in a hidden area? Keep an eye out for these signs so you can get leaks repaired and avoid major water damage.

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Why We Use Trenchless Technology

Monday, September 11th, 2023

In the past, any problems with the water main leading to a house or the sewer line leading away from a house meant major damage would be inflicted on the lawn. Since it was easy to know that there was a problem but impossible to know exactly where the problem was located, long trenches had to be dug to expose the entirety of the pipe in question.

But those days are over! Today, we use trenchless technology. This means your lawn will remain undisturbed when your sewer line or water main requires repair.

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When to Schedule a Video Inspection for Your Drain

Monday, May 22nd, 2023

Did you know that it’s not just spies in the movies using tiny cameras on long lines these days? Plumbers are doing it, too! You might hear it referred to as video pipe inspection or video drain inspection. We can even take a look as far down as the sewer line that carries all your wastewater away from your home.

Why do people need their drains inspected with video cameras? What circumstances would indicate that you should have it done?

Here are some details on how to know if video drain inspection is just the thing your plumbing needs.

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3 Signs You Need to Replace Your Garbage Disposal

Monday, April 24th, 2023

A garbage disposal in your kitchen sink can be such a handy thing to have. It streamlines the process of washing the dishes, and can keep food waste from stinking up your trash can and thus your whole kitchen. But what if your garbage disposal is becoming more trouble than it’s worth? Can it be repaired? Or is it time to have your garbage disposal replaced? Here are some key points to help you figure that out.

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Tips for Inspecting Your Sump Pump

Monday, February 13th, 2023

If you have a sump pump, it has probably saved your behind—or at least your basement—on multiple occasions. Anyone who has cleaned up after water damage knows just how important it is to avoid having that happen again. Just knowing you have a sump pump at the ready can be extremely reassuring. But like any piece of machinery, sump pumps do encounter problems from time to time.

It might not feel like it, but spring is not too far away, and that’s the time of year when snowmelt and flooding make it most likely that your sump pump will have a lot of work to do. How can you be sure that your sump pump is in good working order and ready for whatever water comes its way?

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How Do Plumbers Locate Hidden Leaks?

Monday, November 21st, 2022

When you hear the words plumbing leak, you probably imagine something dramatic and obvious, like water spraying from a broken pipe under your kitchen sink.

However, not all plumbing leaks occur in easily visible locations, and they don’t always cause sudden gushes. Sometimes, a leak happens behind your walls, under your floors, or even under the concrete slab of your home’s foundation. This may seem like an impossible situation. But take heart! Plumbers have some high-tech equipment that helps them pinpoint the location of leaks so they can be fixed.

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Hydro Jetting: The Drain-Cleaning Power of Water!

Monday, November 7th, 2022

Perhaps you’ve heard of hydro jetting and want to know more about it. Maybe you’ve struggled with drain snakes or been tempted to use chemical drain-cleaning solutions because of your home’s slow-draining sinks or clogged pipes. Fear not: your problems can be solved with only the power of water!

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