AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

Unique Ductless Needs to Be Aware Of

Monday, October 1st, 2018

person holding remote to turn on ductless air handlerWhen it comes to choosing the right cooling (and heating) system for your home, there are a number of factors to consider. You’ll want to look at the size of your home, your budgetary needs, how efficient the HVAC system is, and more. Our staff is here to help you make an educated decision in the manner. One system we frequently recommend to our clients is the ductless system, and for good reason!

Operating on heat pump technology, a ductless system can effectively cool your home in the summer while just as effectively heating it in the winter. This makes them a great choice for homeowners looking to replace both systems, install a new air conditioner altogether, or homeowners who just don’t want to deal with the indoor air quality and efficiency loss issues that ductwork can bring.

But they aren’t right for every home, and it is important to be aware of some of the repair needs you can run into if your system is not professionally installed or serviced, which we’ve highlighted below.

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It’s Time: Make That End-of-Season AC Repair Call Now!

Monday, September 17th, 2018

male technician working on outside AC unitIf you had maintenance done before the summer season began, we hope you can confidently say that you don’t have any end-of-season AC repair needs now. But if you did not have maintenance done, or if you didn’t follow up with repair needs after that tune-up, then you might certainly have some repair issues you should watch out for as you prepare to turn off your cooling system for the fall and winter seasons.

There are some repair needs in particular that our HVAC professionals see more than others. Again, this is especially true if you skipped your annual maintenance appointment and as we near the end of summer—your air conditioner has been put under a lot of stress for the last few months!

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“What’s Causing My AC to Hard Start?”

Monday, September 3rd, 2018

top corner view of an outside air conditioning unitFirst off, if you don’t already know what hard starting is, allow us to elaborate. This name is given to a condition that can impact air conditioner and other mechanical devices (like your car, for instance) when the motors and compressor responsible for operating the system have trouble coming on and staying on.

If you’re unsure of whether or not your AC has an issue with this, pay attention when it comes up. Is the air conditioner stuttering as it attempts to start, but then cycles off soon after coming to life? Are you hearing clicking and grinding noises when this occurs, too? Then your AC is hard starting. But why?

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How to Keep Your Air Conditioner in Top Shape

Monday, June 25th, 2018

top view of an air conditionerWith temperatures only growing warmer, residents throughout Sterling and beyond are looking forward to summer. Of course, if you haven’t already we do urge you to schedule your air conditioning maintenance, to make sure that your cooling system is ready to get you through the hotter weather.

Air conditioning maintenance is the best way to keep your cooling system in top shape. There are a few small maintenance tasks you can do on your own. For example, you should be changing out or cleaning the air filter in your HVAC system every 1–3 months, and ensuring that the outside unit is clear of debris. But professional, full-service maintenance will ensure the longevity of your system, and help you fend off AC repair in Sterling, VA as best you can.

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Don’t Believe This Refrigerant Myth

Monday, May 14th, 2018

white question mark on blue backgroundHave you ever hired a handyman or amateur HVAC technician to conduct maintenance on your air conditioner, only to have them tell you that your refrigerant has lost its charge and will need to be refilled every year? If so, unfortunately you’re dealing with either a dishonest or misinformed professional.

This is one of the biggest Fairfax, VA, air conditioning repair myths out there—that refrigerant is something that “runs out” and it must be replaced (recharged) every year during your maintenance session. On the contrary, your HVAC systems are supplied with enough refrigerant during installation to ideally last their entire lifespan. So what does this mean? This means that if your system is losing refrigerant, you have a leak—and that leak must be found and repaired.

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Why You Should Never Ignore Late-Season AC Repair Needs!

Monday, September 18th, 2017

group of outside units for central air conditioningIt won’t be long now before we can start enjoying cooler temperatures. We’ll begin to use our air conditioners less and less, and schedule our heating maintenance appointments so we can make sure we’re prepared as possible for when winter comes.

One break you should never give to your air conditioner though, no matter how late in the cooling season it is, is scheduling air conditioning repair in Gainesville, VA. We understand how tempting it can be to ignore signs of an air conditioner that is malfunctioning this time of year. After all, as we alluded to above, you won’t need it much very soon. So is it really worth it to schedule these repairs now?

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Signs of a Struggling Air Conditioner

Monday, August 7th, 2017

technician with tools and tool bag inspecting the outside unit of an air conditionerWe have one of those climates in which we get to enjoy relatively mild winters, and long, hot summers. Since we still have a couple months left of warmer temperatures—with recent weeks being some of the hottest—the condition of your cooling system is very important.

We’d imagine you’re running your AC system on a consistent basis. If you had your air conditioner tuned-up within the last year, and your technicians didn’t raise any cause for concern, then you’ll likely be able to get through the rest of summer without the need for air conditioning repair in Gainesville. If, however, you skipped maintenance this summer, then you may very well run into cooling system trouble, since this is the time of the year that the most stress is put on it.

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How Can You Lower Cooling Costs Without Sacrificing Comfort?

Monday, June 26th, 2017

lower-cooling-costs-without-sacrificing-comfortWith summer upon us, it’s natural that you may be looking for ways to save money on your cooling costs. Nobody wants to pay an arm and a leg to stay comfortable in their home, but at the same time, you shouldn’t have to sacrifice that comfort just so you don’t break the bank each month!

Fortunately, you don’t have to sacrifice anything if you have the right systems in place and take steps to ensure that your air conditioner is working as efficiently as possible. There are many solutions to both of these challenges, but the one we’re going to talk about today is a zone control system installation in Purcellville, VA.

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Is Your Air Conditioner Ready to Be Replaced?

Monday, June 12th, 2017

air-conditioner-ready-replacedThere’s no denying that summertime is well on its way. In fact, with our soaring temperatures the past couple of weeks, we’d guess that you’re already using your air conditioner on a consistent basis. So, if your AC system is on the older side, then we advise you take a close look to determine if it’s going to reliably get you through another cooling season.

If it can, then that’s great. If not, however, then there is no time like the present to have a replacement AC system installed. Doing so, as soon as possible, grants you the benefits of improved efficiency a new system will bring. But what are the signs that you do in fact need Reston, VA air conditioner replacement services?

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How to Help Your AC Last Longer

Monday, May 29th, 2017

help-ac-last-longerYour air conditioning system is likely one of the most expensive investments within your home, and as such it’s only natural that you want it to be taken care of. With professional service and careful attention, your cooling system can last a long time, and save you money with better efficiency and lower energy bills in the meantime.

Every air conditioner comes with a manufacturer warranty—usually lasting anywhere from 8–12 years. Ideally, your system will last for many years beyond that—but it can only do that with proper care. There are some small things you can do each summer to keep your air conditioner from working too hard, such as setting your thermostat higher when you aren’t home, wearing lightweight clothes so you don’t need to blast the AC as much, and opening your home in the evening rather than running the air conditioner. You can also ensure that you change your air filter every 1–3 months to protect the interior components.

To truly help your air conditioner last longer, though, there are other Herndon, VA air conditioning services that require the aid of an HVAC professional, which we’ll get to below.

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