AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Professional Air Conditioner Repair’

Signs of a Struggling Air Conditioner

Monday, August 7th, 2017

technician with tools and tool bag inspecting the outside unit of an air conditionerWe have one of those climates in which we get to enjoy relatively mild winters, and long, hot summers. Since we still have a couple months left of warmer temperatures—with recent weeks being some of the hottest—the condition of your cooling system is very important.

We’d imagine you’re running your AC system on a consistent basis. If you had your air conditioner tuned-up within the last year, and your technicians didn’t raise any cause for concern, then you’ll likely be able to get through the rest of summer without the need for air conditioning repair in Gainesville. If, however, you skipped maintenance this summer, then you may very well run into cooling system trouble, since this is the time of the year that the most stress is put on it.

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