AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

The Telltale Signs of a Plumbing Leak

Monday, October 14th, 2019

white pipe with blue cloth tied around itWithout the right equipment and know-how, it can be hard to detect a plumbing problem. Most of your plumbing system, after all, is hidden from view, and the problems that occur start off subtly. This is a huge part of the reason we recommend scheduling preventing maintenance at least once a year.

It’s also a good idea for homeowners to familiarize themselves with the warning signs that their plumbing system is showing signs that something is amiss. This way, if a problem happens between maintenance sessions, you can spot it and call for professional repairs right away. Keep reading to learn more about these signs.

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Winter Is Coming: How Will You Protect Your Pipes?

Monday, September 30th, 2019

pipe-with-iciclesOkay, so Fall just started—why are we already talking about winter? Well, because this subject is important, and the further ahead you can plan, the better! Once temperatures drop to a point where they can easily reach below freezing, your pipes are susceptible to problems. Sure, this doesn’t seem like a problem right now, but if you’re in the middle of January and all of the sudden find yourself with a plumbing disaster by way of a burst pipe, it would be unfortunate that you could have taken precautionary measures.

And that’s what are post is for today. To help you take measures to ensure that frozen and subsequently burst pipes won’t become a problem in your home. We’d like to warn you now so that it won’t even be a concern later when winter comes. So, what can you do to protect your pipes?

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Can Treating Hard Water Extend the Life of Your Plumbing System?

Monday, May 13th, 2019

family-standing-over-kitchen-sinkThe short answer to this is, “yes,” but please allow us to explain….

The truth is, there are many water quality problems that can impact not only your plumbing system but your health, too. One of the most common water quality issues we have around here is hard water, though most homeowners aren’t even aware they have a problem!

It’s important, though, that you be aware of what hard water is, what its symptoms are, and what to do about it. Whether hard water is your culprit or some other water quality problem is impacting your home, our team can help you choose and install the right water treatment system for the job.

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Plumbing Dos and Don’ts to Avoid Emergencies

Monday, April 29th, 2019

worried-woman-sponging-up-water-from-burst-pipeHave you ever had a plumbing emergency in your home? If not, you’re very fortunate! We’d like to help keep that streak running. If you have had a plumbing emergency happen before, then you already know how detrimental it can be, and would probably like to do whatever you can to prevent it from happening again.

Our team has handled a number of plumbing emergencies and other plumbing problems throughout our years in business. Because we know what to look for, we have compiled a brief list of some dos and don’ts for you to follow in order to hopefully avoid these emergencies altogether.

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Need New Gas Lines? Call a Plumber!

Monday, February 18th, 2019

technician-working-on-gas-mainThe title of this blog post might surprise you… since traditionally a plumber is someone people think of as working on pipes that carry water and sewage. A professional plumber is someone who does installation and repair work on faucets, sinks, garbage disposals, sewer lines, and anything else that has to do with your home’s water supply, right?

Well, yes—but installing gas pipes is another very important part of professional plumbing services (though, not all plumbers are licensed for such work!)

Keep reading to learn more about this service that our team provides!

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Signs Your Home Needs Repiping

Monday, January 21st, 2019

Clogged drain pipes Smaller pipes. Originally shot for a copper pipe replacing company, but never used. These clogged pipes came out of an old apartment building that was having water drainage issues.Your plumbing system is expansive, making its way through your home to your bathrooms, kitchen, garage, and more. Most of the pipes snaking through your property are hidden from view. Of course, this means that when you have a plumbing problem, it can be hard to detect. If you suspect you have a plumbing issue, you can call on a professional Waterford, VA plumber, such as one of the members of our team.

But to know that you have a problem, you first need to know what to look and listen for. There are a number of signs that indicate you may need pipe repair, or even repiping. Sometimes just a partial repiping is needed, but in other cases—and especially in older homes—a whole-house repiping may be recommended. Keep reading to learn more.

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Beware These Signs of a Plumbing Leak

Monday, November 26th, 2018

bursted copper pipe with water leaking out, 3d illustrationChances are at some time or another you’ve had to deal with a plumbing problem of some kind. One of the most common of those is the ever formidable leak. But what makes them so scary?

Well, there’re a few things. First of all, even if a leak seems “minor,” like a dripping faucet or the like, it can create gallons of wasted water over the course of a year. A “minor” plumbing problem can trick you into thinking it’s not that big of a deal. That is, until you notice the cost of your water usage starting to rise.

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Are Your Pipes Prepared for Winter Weather?

Monday, October 15th, 2018

Icicles hanging from a brown pipe. Frozen water and metal surface, winter time concept. selective focus shallow depth of field photoWhile our temperatures certainly haven’t dropped to the point of freezing yet, we all know how hard winter can hit and the weather can take a turn. If you’re putting off any winter preparation for your home until we progress a bit more into fall, we urge you to reconsider. Particularly when it comes to your Reston, VA plumbing system.

Plumbing systems are not something a whole lot of homeowners think about on a routine basis. This is especially true for plumbing problems, such as frozen pipes. However, frozen pipes occur in enough homes for it to be worth preparing your pipes. Remember, even just a couple consecutive days of below 30°F weather can result in frozen pipes, which leads to burst pipes. Can you avoid this?

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Suspect a Leak? Here’s What to Do

Monday, August 20th, 2018

homeowner on phone inspecting leak underneath sinkA leak is quite easily one of the biggest enemies to plumbing systems everywhere. But what makes a leak such a feared antagonist? Well, there are a number of factors at play here. First off, even those leaks you may consider “minor,” like dripping faucets, can waste gallons of water throughout the months. These small leaks trick you into thinking they aren’t a big deal, and then the cost of your water use starts to add up.

Bigger leaks waste water too, of course, and can also do extensive damage to your property. These leaks can happen behind walls or even beneath your flooring. In fact, most leaks are hidden, so they can do a lot of damage before you even notice them. Since so much of your plumbing system is hidden from view, and since leaks can happen anywhere there is a pipe, it is essential you know how to spot trouble. Once you suspect a leak, you’ll want to get in touch with a professional plumber. But, how do you check?

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How to Avoid Plumbing Catastrophes

Monday, August 6th, 2018

Woman calling a plumber service to fix drain pipe blockage.The plumbing system within your home is vast and complex, connecting a number of different appliances via yards of pipes. It’s one of those systems that you rely on daily, but probably don’t think very much about.

As such, it can be hard to keep in good shape! However, there are a number of things you can do to ensure that your plumbing system serves you as best as it can for the years to come. Read on for some tips from our professional Fairfax, VA plumbers on how to take great care of your plumbing system, and ultimately reduce your risk of facing a plumbing catastrophe.

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