AllTech Services, Inc. Blog: Archive for May, 2018

How to Help Your Plumbing System Last Longer

Monday, May 28th, 2018

plumber working on plumbing system under sinkThe plumbing system of your home is an expansive and complex network of appliances and fixtures, all linked up with yards of pipes. It’s one of those systems that you probably take for granted, but you definitely notice when something goes wrong with it, (Drain clog, anyone?)

There are, however, a variety of things you can do to ensure that your plumbing system serves you well for the years to come. Keep reading to learn more about how to keep your plumbing system in good condition for as long as possible.

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Don’t Believe This Refrigerant Myth

Monday, May 14th, 2018

white question mark on blue backgroundHave you ever hired a handyman or amateur HVAC technician to conduct maintenance on your air conditioner, only to have them tell you that your refrigerant has lost its charge and will need to be refilled every year? If so, unfortunately you’re dealing with either a dishonest or misinformed professional.

This is one of the biggest Fairfax, VA, air conditioning repair myths out there—that refrigerant is something that “runs out” and it must be replaced (recharged) every year during your maintenance session. On the contrary, your HVAC systems are supplied with enough refrigerant during installation to ideally last their entire lifespan. So what does this mean? This means that if your system is losing refrigerant, you have a leak—and that leak must be found and repaired.

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